January 7, 2007

A Work Out for the Faithful

We sometimes forget to get the mail (I also sometimes forget to check the gas gauge in my car and then end up having a near panic attack while driving Big I to school while wearing my pajamas, with no wallet, no purse, no cell phone, but that’s a story for another time).  When we finally retrieved the mail after about three days, there was an invitation from my church to attend services this morning.  Every year on this Sunday, they celebrate the baptisms that have occurred during the past church year.  Lil C is one of those and we were invited to attend the service and pick up her baptismal medallion. 

After a long afternoon at the zoo yesterday, Mr. BBM said he didn’t really want to go (The service I like to attend is at 8 a.m.), and so Lil C and I went by ourselves to church this morning.  Once at church, I climbed about 30 steps to get up to the balcony where my parents were sitting.  Lil C was great on Christmas Eve, sleeping through almost all of the service.  Today, she was wide awake. 

Lil C sang when we sang.  She "talked" when the Pastor spoke, including during his homily.  At one point during a prayer, she tested out her pipes and squealed at top volume.  She also enjoyed dropping her teddy over the back of the pew and then remarking "Oh, OH, OH NO" which is her version of "Uh-oh."  She also thought the wood floors were pretty cool, and especially liked how her shiny shoes sounded when stomping on them. 

When church was over, I was perspiring and it’s possible that I pulled a muscle from all the bending to retrieve things she had thrown.  Holding a 15-month old squirmer for an entire church service is exhausting. 

We then walked back down the stairs, to the front of the church, and up to the parking lot which is not exactly a picnic in two inch heels with a child, purse and a diaper bag. 

Because I felt like tempting fate, we then went grocery shopping.  Lil C was an angel as long as I kept the constant stream of gold fish crackers coming her way. 

In fact, it wasn’t until after I dropped off Lil C with Daddy, and attempted to bring the groceries in the house that my exhausted and weary body finally gave out.  While attempting to carry in about 10 grocery bags at a time, I over-turned my ankle and ended up in an unbecoming squat on the sidewalk.  Getting up from that squat in a skirt, with two inch heels, a sore ankle, a pulled leg and butt muscle (karate leftovers), and about 30 pounds of groceries was no small feat. 

The agenda for the rest of my day involves my new TV, football, some ice, and some rest.  Here’s to hoping Lil C is as exhausted as I am. 

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