August 3, 2006

Warm, fuzzy, and feeling horrible

When I put up my blog for rent, I had no idea it would be so popular.  I was flooded with bids from so many great blogs that I had a horrible time choosing.  I thought I’d get one offer and take it.  Instead there were six.  I spent the day wringing my hands and worrying about how I was going to choose just one, and would I be hurting other people’s feeling, etc. etc. 

I am a nice person and I have a horrible time telling people no, as evidenced by this.  "Eeeny-meany-miney-mo. . . " didn’t work for me.  I considered letting my daughter choose, and then I decided that I would move forward with the most fair method of all. . .  early bird gets the worm.   So, without further delay, I present to you my new renter who was the first bidder. . . Life or Something Like It.  She is an absolute riot.  From her post about intuitive technology to her battle with imaginary multiple personalities, she had me laughing out loud.  She’ll make you laugh too.  In fact, I’m kind of afraid you’ll like her better than you like me and won’t ever come back.   Please come back, o.k.?

The second order of business is this warm fuzziness that The Pajama Mama started.   Because I can’t give it justice on my own, I’m quoting her exactly below.  She states the following:

"We’re so quick to point fingers, place
blame and criticize the people in our lives. It’s easier to point out a
fault than it is to praise a strength. It’s easier to mention something
that needs to be done better than it is to acknowledge something that’s
been done well.

Therefore, I christen today (and the next few days) “Bloggin’ Good Blogger Days”
in the blogging community. Your mission, shall you choose to accept it
(and you will), is to go to as many blogs as you can and point out at
one good thing about the author of that blog. Do your best to give them
a warm fuzzy feeling. Show your appreciation, admiration or plain old

Tell them why something they did touched you, why a choice they made shows the true fabric of their moral being.  Just go BE NICE to every blogger whose blog you read today.  And don’t be shy, either!!

Plus, post an entry similar to this one on YOUR blog and ask people to leave warm fuzzies in your comments.  Spread the love, people!

if we take a week to engage in warm fuzzies, they will become a more
permanent part of our daily lives, both on and off the computer.

In review:

1. Leave me a warm fuzzy in my comments.

2. Post a similar entry (or copy and paste this one, giving credit to the Pajama Mama) on your own blog.

3. Leave a warm fuzzy on every blog you visit today.

4. Sit back, read your own warm fuzzies and feel, well, warm and fuzzy!


That PJ Mama is one warm and fuzzy gal.  She’s got a great idea.  If you’re into this whole warm and fuzziness business, please start with my renter and the other great blogs who wanted to rent here.  I wish I could have had them all. 

And just in case that wasn’t enough warm fuzziness for you, I give you the kittens my sister is caring for until they go to their new homes next week:


That’s not the flash; they really do have blue eyes. 


Big I figured out how to hold them and fell in LOVE!


These are dog bowls, so you get the idea of how teeny tiny they are.



The kittens LOVED Lil C’s feet and she loved them right back. 

If that’s not inspiration, I don’t know what is.  Now go. . . be warm and fuzzy.

And if you’re feeling warm and fuzzy about your birth story, please submit it to me via email.



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