July 23, 2006

Not going to BlogHer so BlogMe

I’m not going.  When everyone was just starting to talk about the BlogHer conference, I was just starting my blog.  I was all like "What?  There’s an actual conference for bloggers?"  As much as I would have liked to pack a bag and head to San Jose, I felt silly.  I’m a newbie.  I’d probably be the one standing in the corner by myself feeling all wall-flowerish.  Blogging, especially Mommy blogging can be a little clique-ish sometimes.  I hate cliques.  No really, hate cliques.  (I also can’t stand when people comment on your site all the time, and then you blogroll them and then they completely disappear from the face of the Earth never to return to your site ever, ever again, but I digress). 

So, there’s this BlogHer online mixer for people who are going to the conference (or not).  Since I’m one of the "not’s" I thought I’d at least participate in this.  Are there people I’d like to interview?  Sure.  But, I don’t know whether or not they would participate, so I’m just interviewing myself.  You’re supposed to pick five questions from this list.  I don’t get all the link here, link there stuff, but I’ll just give it my best shot.  Here goes:

1. Who do you read every day, rain or shine?

See that blogroll over there?  Yeah, them.  Because I know that my karate bloggers don’t always post every day, I make sure to check in with them at least every other day.  I don’t always comment, mostly because my little one is usually climbing all over my keyboard which makes it a bit difficult.  I always make sure to check in with Amalah.  Her son is only a week older than my daughter so I like to see what he’s up to.  Same reason with Maniacal Days.  Her daughter is close in age to Lil C as well.  Izzymom is always good for a laugh or two or some interesting insight.  J at Thinking About is constantly posting something interesting.  In fact, I wonder how she does it.  (Oh yeah, her daughter is a lot older than my kids.)

2. Are you and your blogging persona the same person?

Absolutely.  What you read is what you get.  People who know me in real life know that they never have to guess what I’m thinking about.  Never.  Friends often tell me that they like me because I "shoot straight from the hip"; and I think I do that on this blog as well.  The only difference?  I probably swear more in real life.  For some reason, I just can’t seem to type very many profanities. (Did I mention my Mom reads this blog and thinks that "sucks" is a swear word?)  If we had a swear jar in this house, I’d probably be broke.  I’m trying though. . . sort of.

3. What don’t you write about? Anything considered a no-no in your book?

I don’t complain about my husband on this blog.  I might jokingly complain about him here like when he almost broke my leg; but the real stuff doesn’t see the black and white.  That’s not fair to him, and that’s my decision without his input.  Also, our arguments are usually over relatively quickly and I don’t need or want a written record of it.  I also don’t complain about family or friends because I don’t have anything to complain about with them they read my blog. 

4. What is your favorite thing that you wrote? What got a strong reaction from readers? Links please?

My favorite thing that I wrote is the post "Why men don’t have house parties".  I got so many emails from people who just cracked up.  The words were just really flowing the night I wrote that, and it just really hit home for a lot of readers. I got a strong reaction when I entered the political realm and wrote about the Duke Rape Case.  But, I also had fun making fun of my heckler

5. Have you ever anonymously posted on a site to flame them?

No.  If I disagree, or don’t have anything nice to say I usually just leave.  Once or twice, I disagreed or called someone out on something that was a bunch of political garbage and gladly attached my signature and http address.  Why wouldn’t I?  I’m not afraid to let people know what I think.  Doing so anonymously would be hypocritical since I hate when people try to do that here.

If you want to play, see the link above and go for it.  While everyone is singing karaoke and having a blast at BlogHer, I’ll still be here. . .

Have a drink and sing some Pebbles for me.

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