April 17, 2006

You gotta do pilates

My parents have always been exercise fanatics.  When I was in high school, my parents would often decide to do aerobics together and take up the family room TV with Jane Fonda tapes.  Sometimes my little sister would join in.  I thought it was ridiculous and would usually go upstairs and talk on the phone.  Sometimes, for fun, I’d grab the bag of lard fried potato chips and a Pepsi and sit down and watch.  It was quite entertaining. 

Recently, my husband has been on a fitness kick.  I thought it was a passing phase, but he has stuck with it for months now and lemme tell you, he’s looking good.  I’ve had a bit of a motivation problem when it comes to exercise.  I figure that carrying around a 17.5 lb. baby is good enough.  Granted, I play tennis once a week and go to karate, but I could do more.  I used to like doing pilates and I have a nice little work out DVD that only takes a half hour, ten minutes if you break up the parts and only decide to do abs. 

So, I told my husband I would start doing pilates again, but he had to go along for the ride.  Whenever we do workout things together, two things inevitably happen.  One, is that we, o.k. I, end up yelling obscenities at the TV screen.  Work out tape women are WAY too happy.  They enjoy pain a bit too much for my liking.  I mean, seriously, WHO SMILES when doing pilates?  Who smiles when they feel like their gut is being ripped into shreds?  Not anyone normal, that’s for sure.

The second thing that ends up happening, is that my husband and I end up so hysterical that we can barely continue.  My pilates DVD features a woman named "Betsy."  Betsy is put there for the weak. Betsy does everything the rest of the gals do, but she is what my husband and I refer to as "the lazy one."  Betsy doesn’t hold her legs up in the air when doing her crunches.  She sets her feet firmly on the floor.  Betsy takes breaks when she needs to.  Betsy. . . is my idol. 

I never had a problem following the main girl before, but only being six months out from giving birth, the abs are just not there like they used to be.  Tonight, Betsy and I were good buds.  My husband and I ended up spending the 10 minute ab work out talking to Betsy.  I have to admit, we weren’t being very nice. 

I’d love to be one of those women who enjoys exercise.  Sure, I know that it would incite violence towards me from other women; but still it would be sort of cool.  Exercise is not something I enjoy, unless I’m in a team sports setting and then I’m all for it.  I need something to distract me from the pain.  I think part of my problem is that (and I know I’m risking absolute hatred here) I’ve never really needed to exercise.  I always had a high metabolism and didn’t really put on weight until I went to college and discovered pizza 24/7 and beer.  After I had my babies, the extra weight was gone within a month.  I’m lucky in that way.  I know I am and I don’t take it for granted.  But, I’m not exactly toned either.

I want to get in better shape.  I think that it will help my karate tremendously, tennis too.  I just don’t know exactly what to do to get in better shape.  I despise going to the gym, and working out at home just doesn’t seem to happen.  Right now, I am hoping that my husband just sort of forces me to do the pilates every night.  Tonight, I was finished after the abs portion.  My husband continued with the butt section.  I. . . ate some Tostito’s and had a diet rite.  Old habits die hard. 

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