July 16, 2008

Thankful, Hectic, Proud

This morning, a friend took both of the girls to play with her four daughters so I could have a couple hours to pack in peace (i.e. pack up all the things the girls don’t want me to pack).  Is she fantastic or what?  In the middle of my morning, I got a call from the showing center.  I used to crave calls from the showing center, but when they called this time, I was first confused and then completely thrown off my game plan.

It was 11 a.m. when the phone rang and the person on the other line, who had set up many of our showings during those grueling months on the market, told me that the appraiser wanted to come at noon TODAY!  I sighed with disgust as I looked around at my house.  Newspapers were everywhere so that I didn’t have to keep walking up and down the stairs to get more to wrap things in, empty boxes covered an entire wall, full boxes were littered throughout the house and you may remember that I have been on a cleaning strike since last week.  I’ve shown fantastic follow-through with that pledge.

I figured it was better to just get it over with while the girls were out of the house, so I said yes.  Then I turned into the Tazmanian devil and spun my way around the house, picking up dirty clothes, folding the pile that needed to be folded, making beds, wiping off counters and begging Mr. BBM to please, for the love of God, use part of your lunch break to run the vacuum.

Instead of arriving at noon, she came at 11:30.  I think I would have told her off if she wasn’t so overly apologetic and sweet.  I continued to pack while she went from room to room, taking measurements and pictures.  When she was finished upstairs, she found me downstairs in the family room and asked me if I had a professional decorator work on the house. Dumbfounded, I told her no.  "Well, are you an interior decorator by trade?"  I think I may have snorted with laughter, as I told her "I wish."  She then said, "Well then I hate you.  I seriously hate people like you, because you didn’t have to hire anyone and this place is gorgeous.  It looks like a model home.  You’re amazing at picking colors." 

Her comments had me on my heels and I almost fell into another box of "misc toys."  I thanked her and then followed her around fishing for more compliments.  I told her that her compliments meant the world to me because I am currently second-guessing everything I’m choosing for the new house. 

Want the truth?  I think she was buttering me up so she can come in with some out in left field low appraisal that’s going to wreck my life.  I’m all for thinking positive, but that’s just too much good all in one day right there.

I got a ton of packing done, despite all the interruptions, and figured I’d take the girls to the pool this afternoon.  Lil C wanted to hang out in the baby pool, so I sat there and watched her demurely make her rounds, surrounded by her little float.  When she noticed another little boy who was probably newly two, she approached him and told him her name.  He ignored her and walked away.  She seemed irritated. 

A few minutes later, the little boy walked over to Lil C and started splashing her.  As the water droplets landed on her hair and face, she clenched up her little arms in disgust and turned her back to him to weather the rest of the storm.  When he was finished, she turned around, clenched her fists and raised her arms and said, "I VANT YOU TO STOP SPLASHING ME RIGHT NOW!"

He looked at her with fear, turned on his heel and went quickly back to his side of the pool.  He didn’t bother her the rest of the day. After listening to Big I ask me to take care of her problems for her since she’s been born, I can’t even tell you how my heart soared with pride when Lil C took care of business on her own!  That munchkin is two years old and she completely stood up for herself, without whining, without crying, and most importantly, without asking me to get involved.  It was simply awesome. 

Later tonight, we went to check out the progress on the house.  The hole is deeper and the girls were having a blast running around in it and asking which room they were in now.  When I first put Lil C down in the hole, she looked up at me and asked, "Where’s the hole Mommy?"  It was fairly obvious we were many feet below the normal ground level.  Then, she looked down and saw a little area where the dirt was pushed away.  It looked like a small rock had been removed, leaving a little gutted out area in its place.  "There’s the hole!" she yelled. 

After a couple more minutes wandering around the dirt, she murmured to her sister, "this is fun."  As we were about to leave, one of our new neighbors rode his bike up with his sons to say hello.  He was super nice and he let us know that everyone on the street hangs out, drinking beer and cocktails while the kids run around and play behind the houses in the park.  I’ve never been happier about the lot we chose. 

Next week, our realtor is taking us to a pig roast as his guests at the local pool.  Our realtor will live just down the street from us, so he offered to take us and introduce us to all the neighbors.  I just hope no one splashes Lil C.  Things could get ugly.         

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