January 18, 2008

Matt Hughes Ultimate Fitness System

Those of you who follow the MMA showcase that is the UFC will be well aware of the name Matt Hughes. For those not in the know, he’s a 9-time Welterweight World Champion in the aforementioned organisation. He didn’t get there through luck, and it’s obvious to anyone who’s seen him that he’s a strong, fit and very motivated individual. It’s for these very reasons that I was very pleased to be given the opportunity to review his new Plyomix Ultimate Fitness System.

The Ultimate Fitness System is available as a five-part video download from iAmplify.com, with each video focusing on a different aspect of the training. These break down as being Core, Impact, Intensity, Power and an extra fifth video, Mental Edge which features an interview with Matt and an insight into his own training, background and mental preparation. As the names of the sections suggest, each video puts specific focus on an workout area, which is really useful as it means you can create your own routine and schedule and work it in around whatever other training you might already do. For me, this happens to be my own Martial Arts training, and training in a kick/punch system I was pleased to see some good speed and endurance drills based around sparring movements.

Each training video lasts for around an hour, and is well produced and presented. There are three people demonstrating at any one time, with input from Matt waiting in the wings as and when required. Each member of the team does essentially the same exercises, but at a varying level of intensity or difficulty. It’s a really nice touch and means that you don’t have to attempt to keep up with someone seemingly super-human, and at the opposite end of the scale there’s no need to limit your workout by matching what someone of a lower level of strength or fitness is doing. They also act as good goals for anyone wanting to push themselves, as you can start off following the lowest intensity, and as you get fitter and stronger move up to the next level.

It’s advertised as a complete fitness system, and for once it’s actually true. Everything you’d expect to be there is present such as cardio work, strength and endurance work, fast-twitch muscle building and flexibility, but it’s good to see the other important facets of a good training session, namely warm-ups and stretching. Both are sometimes breezed over with little attention in other video instructionals, but these videos provide a good realistic amount of both. Anyone who’s ever had a muscle pull or tear can probably vouch for the importance of stretching and getting warm. Whenever ‘props’ are required – such as a jump rope or hand weights – it’s clearly stated on the screen, and a nice touch is the inclusion of alternatives should they not be available (no hand weights? how about cans of soup?).

Despite all the good things I’ve already said, there’s still one thing which separates the Matt Hughes Ultimate Fitness System from its competition, and that’s the format in which it’s presented. Instead of DVDs, the videos are downloaded directly from the iAmplify site. Each is around 100MB in size, and they’re in MPEG-4 (.mp4) format. What that means to you and me is that they can easily be downloaded to a personal media player (iPod Video for example) and taken with you. Do you ever find that at home it’s really tricky to find the time to claim the living room for yourself for an hour to work out? Or maybe you have kids and find it literally impossible to clear enough toys from the room to get the space for it? Pop the videos onto your media player (or laptop) and head out somewhere else. It might only be as far as the garden, or maybe a gym or local hall, but you can take your workout with you.

I consider myself moderately fit for my age and weight, training 3 or 4 times a week in martial arts will do that for you, and I have to say that having tried these out I can vouch for just how much of a workout you get. They certainly aren’t "walk in the park" easy, and could take someone with a low level of fitness a few weeks to build up to get through the full hour without stopping, but if you’re already reasonably active or have good perseverance this can really add to your fitness and strength. It’s professionally presented, well organised and enjoyable.

You can purchase and download the Matt Hughes Ultimate Fitness System directly from the site, and by way of a special offer we’ve teamed up with iAmplify to get a special discount for BBM Review readers! Simply click the following link.

$20 OFF – when you purchase the Plyomix Ultimate Fitness System
by 9-time UFC Welterweight Champion, Matt Hughes. Use coupon code: Fight20 during checkout to save.

Learn More about PlyoMix Ultimate Fitness System by Matt Hughes

As far as workout video systems go, this has to rank among the best. The very unfit may struggle at first, but as a supplement to existing training or incorporating all of the parts as a standalone routine it’s very good at what it does. Just be prepared to work hard! TSDAdam awards the Matt Hughes Ultimate Fitness System…

Ikigai108’s Review

While watching the UFC, have you ever had that brief moment where you contemplate how you would stack up against a fighter like Matt Hughes?  I think it’s pretty common.  Next time that little voice pops into your head, remind yourself of this – Matt Hughes is one of the most physically fit athletes in the world and is, essentially, a destroyer of men.


I realized that pretty quickly while watching the Plyomix Ultimate Fitness System, presented by iAmplify.  This system is designed to be a full body workout, ideal for anyone wanting to get in shape (but especially for those training in the martial arts).  This series is presented as downloadable videos from iAmplify and comes in five main categories: power, core, intensity, impact, and mental edge.  I’d like to break down my impression of each section, then give an overall review of the system.

The Power video is very similar to some existing workout tapes you might have seen.  It involves a stepbox, jumprope, and a few other trademark devices of the workout industry.  The Matt Hughes team takes you through a good warmup routine and then runs through a series of cardio intensive drills.  However, unlike normal step programs, activities like pushups are thrown in from time to time to work on strength as well as endurance.  Matt Hughes acts as the coach, helping keep each team member motivated.

The Core video is pretty darn wicked.  This focuses on core strength around the abdomen/pelvic area (or hara, as the japanese martial arts like to call it).  There are a wide variety of crunches and leg lifting exercises that make you feel the burn very quickly.  One exercise called alternate straight leg pedaling kills me.  The Hughes team faired much better than I did.  If you need an ab work – this is the place to be.

Intensity has a definite fighter’s slant.  This workout uses resistance training and heavy bag striking (on the ground).  I personally enjoyed this one due to it’s easy translation into fighting but also because the workouts were not dull in any way.  One sign of a good system is keeping participants interested, and I think Intensity is a success in that realm.

Impact is where weight lifting and bench work comes into play.  It’s not heavy weight lifting; instead, they use light-moderate weight and incorporate it into their workout.  The Hughes team uses free hand weights, 5-15 pounds or so, and lead you through a series of squats and bench exercises.  Impact offers a balanced combination of weight training and cardio, so people not looking to do 200 pound bench presses can still enjoy and participate.

This is a nice addition in the form of an interview with Matt Hughes.  Anyone purchasing the videos will enjoy it, but MMA fans will especially appreciate it.  The interview takes place in front of a pond on the farm where Matt grew up.  He talks about his childhood and how his rural lifestyle instilled in him an excellent work ethic that has really helped bring success in professional fighting.  He also talks about how he implements his workout program and some other useful pointers for preparing for a fight.

The exercises presented on this video are very good.  This is a workout program designed to fit beginner, intermediate, and advanced users.  That being said, there are a few things I’d like to comment on.  First and foremost, the Matt Hughes team does 95% of the working out, with only small demonstrations by Matt himself.  I would have enjoyed seeing Matt demonstrate what a real UFC fighter looks like going through the workout.  I think most martial artists would agree that watching an expert can be as helpful as listening to their advice.  Matt’s tips as the "coach" were indeed helpful, but not critical.  There could have been someone else acting as motivator, or perhaps Matt doing a voice-over with advice as everyone worked out.  I felt the biggest thing lacking in Matt Hughes’ system was Matt Hughes.

One other little pet peeve – The main aerobic instructor, Jennifer, made some excessive SSHH-ing noises. SHH, SHH, SHH.  I found it a bit distracting.  Also, this is not a good breathing habit to get into for martial artists because it indicates breathing from high in the lungs instead of low out of the diaphragm.  I know it can’t all be diaphragm breathing when working out, but excessive SHH breathing should be avoided.

On the positive side, excellent tips and suggestions were flashed on the screen throughout the videos.  Each video lets you know what to expect and what you will need in a clear and organized fashion.

I enjoyed the Plyomix Ultimate Fitness System by Matt Hughes.  I think it has some really useful qualities.  However, it wasn’t a homerun for me.  Therefore, the result for Ikigai108 is…


$20 OFF – when you purchase the Plyomix Ultimate Fitness System
by 9-time UFC Welterweight Champion, Matt Hughes. Use coupon code: Fight20 during checkout to save.

Learn More about PlyoMix Ultimate Fitness System by Matt Hughes

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